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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220536-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: USA
Location: Amarillo,Austin,Beaumont,El Paso,Ft. Worth,Houston,Kilgore,Texas, Dallas
TC Begins: 07:00:13
TC Ends: 07:03:44
Duration: 00:03:31
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Title. 07:00:20 Montage: Cowboys to camera into corral; ranch cattle grazing; oil refinery & drilling; shipbuilding. Planes in flight over Randolph Field; Dallas skyline, night Amarillo, downtown Houston, Fredericksburg. 07:01:01 Montage: CU signs, Hotel Nimitz 1926, Fort Worth - slow down (w/ street scene), Pampa (w/ small town street & parking in middle); Kerrville, San Antonio, Kilgore & oil field derricks. El Paso, Beaumont. Wichita Falls. San Angelo; Austin. Note: street scene following each town sign. 07:01:40 Montage: Farm scenes, cattle, sheep, sorghum, dairy, rice harvest, turkeys, oil fields, wheat, citrus unloading. 07:01:58 Montage: drag-line, shipyards w/ women welding. airplane factory exterior & interiors. Airstrip w/ fighters & bombers 07:02:29 Oil wells pumping. Farmers on tractors; rice combines harvesting. 07:02:51 Men loading magnesium ingots; distilling sea water. Cotton picking by hand & machines. Sorghum field & harvesting. 07:03:19 LS Helium manufacturing plant & tanks. Carbon black produced for synthetic rubber by burning natural gas. Sulphur mill. WW2; Americana; Daily Life; Petroleum; Industry; Business; 1940s; WWII Home Front; WW2; NOTE: May be combined w/ other complete short rolls to total maximum of 10 minutes for sale at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: