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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221149-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1940s,1946
Country: United Kingdom,USA
Location: Cambridge,DC,Massachusetts,Washington
TC Begins: 04:56:32
TC Ends: 05:07:47
Duration: 00:11:15
WWII - 1940s, USA Manhattan Project: Dr Bush Meets W/ Pegram & Conant re Uranium Bomb - Re-enactment Jul46 Si. EXT Carnegie Institution, Washington DC OSRD Headquarters People in & out main entrance - CU sign. INT New York City meeting re-enactment - American Physics Institute, 57 East 55th Street. Dr Vannevar Bush at desk looking through documents, signing papers, talking to secretary. MS & MCU. 04:59:32 SOF sd. Re-enactment: Dr Bush at dinner talking w/ Dr George B Pegram on return from Britain: “The Germans are certainly working on an atomic bomb” - talk re British progress - scientists think uranium bomb practical but “overtaxed by present war production & they all urge that the job be done over here”. Bush says he’s seeing the President tomorrow “sure we’ll get the support we need”. Conversation repeated in MCU on both & in CU on Bush, then Pegram. 05:04:18 Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Students at entrance gate & past statue of John Harvard. INT Dr Conant talking to Dr Bush in office - Bush says President agreed “the only thing to do is to go ahead full speed”. Conant says all out effort to be made w/ expansion, reorganization & to “really get going”. Dialogue repeated in CU. Nuclear / Atomic Weapons Development; Atomic Bomb; USA Homefront; WW2; Re-enactment; Atomic Age; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate.