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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250143-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: Bermuda,The Bahamas,USA
Location: Bermuda,nassau,Salt Key
TC Begins: 22:36:26
TC Ends: 22:45:12
Duration: 00:08:46
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Titles. 22:36:53 Underwater swimmer seen from above; beaches. Swimmers pose on beach, walk w/ swimming equipment & put on breathing masks. 22:38:29 Swimmers on small rubber boat; MCU w/ breathing apparatus. 22:38:51 Men on beach learning demolition explosives, mines, fuses, caps. Walk into water w/ pole-like mine & explode. 22:39:31 Men on beach w/ pistols, rifles, automatic rifles & doing target practice. Learning radio transmitter set & receiver sets. CUs & MCUs. On shore set up beacon signal. 22:40:37 Men in swim suits picking up sandwiches & eating next to palm trees. 22:41:01 Studying & assembling kayaks, practicing paddling, compasses & navigation. Class on beach. 22:41:40 Bahama Governor, Duke of Windsor, visits & shake hands w/ trainees. Swimmers w/ fins & masks into water watched by Duke, out of water w/ speared fish. 22:42:39 Swimmer w/ dog mascot on surf board. Training w/ boat, pistol, compass, radio & lectures for practice missions. Men paddle off in rubber boats, put on swimming gear, into water. Underwater & seen from above. Return to boat. 22:45:06 The End. WW2; WWII; Underwater Demolition; UDT; Navy Promotional Film; Naval Undercover Operation; OSS / Operation of Strategic Services; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: