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WWII - 1941, USA Homefront: Bomber, The

Reel Number: 250158-07

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1941,1940s

Country: USA

Location: Baltimore,Maryland

TC Begins: 05:00:24

TC Ends: 05:09:46

Duration: 00:09:22

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk WWII - 1941, USA Homefront: B-26 Bomber Construction Titles. 05:00:40 Towing B-26 Marauder out of Glenn Martin, Baltimore, Maryland aircraft plant, across tarmac w/ rows in stages of final completion, pan rows. 05:01:18 Pilots inspecting & boarding for test flight & training. Starting engines, takeoff & away. 05:02:07 Low overhead passes & landing past hanger or plant under construction in background. 05:02:41 Tracking shot past men working in noses of aircraft under construction. CU of wings in racks waiting for attachment. 05:03:14 Montage: man in asbestos suit w/ parts in coals of forge ; forming die; riveting machine; screws attaching aluminum; CUs; welding, riveting, assembling machines. CUs workers & working w/ jigs on assembly line. 05:04:31 Parts hanging in rack, standing & stacked. 05:05:02 Men carry & place parts in racks & move on cart. 05:05:12 Men assembling skins of wings & framework sections; moving section of fuselage on overhead conveyor. 05;05:48 Final assembly & sections rolled into place, fuselage moved on overhead crane; wheel assemblies rolled into place; motor swung. Wiring cables in wings. 05:07:09 Traveling shot across factory floor. Plexiglass bubble fitted in nose. Wing moved overhead. 05:07:51 Dawn light, airmen alongside B-26 w/ charts & maps, boarding & starting engines. Wave from cockpit & taxi away, takeoff. 05:09:24 Air to air shot r. to l. WW2; Aircraft; War Effort; Poetry; NOTE: Good quality. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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