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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221503-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1941
Country: Russia,USSR
TC Begins: 01:10:47
TC Ends: 01:18:11
Duration: 00:07:24
WWII - 1941, USSR: Russian Newsreel, No. 64 01:11:13 Titles: 01:11:23 Women & men listening; man speaking from stand (MOS) applause 01:11:55 Man speaking out side log house to collective group; peasant woman speaks, applause. 01:12:28 Titles: Men enlisting at outdoor table, shake hands, CU faces. Signing document. 01:12:34 Montage: enlistees march thru village, thru city & wave at crowds. 01:14:07 Titles: 01:14:18 Men working in machine shop. CU. 01:14:53 Boat working on large river; logs in floats tied to pilings; ferry pulling floats of timbers, log rafts. 01:15:53 Titles: Military band playing while trucks of soldiers go past. Ranks of soldiers at attention, CUs as men named. 01:16:54 Soldier playing accordion while others dance, men clap in time. GOOD. Bugler playing, troops board railroad freight cars & flatcars leaving as band plays. Large equipment. Men wave from freight cars. The End. WW2 Russian Collectives; War Effort; Cult of Stalin; Patriotism; Patriotic Propaganda; USSR Homefront, 1940s; Anti-Fascist Speech;