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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221661-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1942,1944,1940s
Country: Gibraltar,Portugal,Spain
Location: Gibraltar
TC Begins: 06:12:43
TC Ends: 06:24:42
Duration: 00:11:59
WWII - 1942, Portugal: President Antonio Oscar Carmona & Military VIPs; Gibraltar; Spanish Border Ext of ?? w/ small trolley past below buildings on hillside. Car entering gates of palace on hillside. Guards patrol outside large building; posted at door. MCU. Men leaving. 06:13:32 President Antonio Oscar Carmona at desk opening mail, reading papers. CU smoking, talking. View of military men entering building in overcoats, take off coats & go up stairs. CU hats on shelf. 06:15:19 Men downstairs, put on coats. 06:15:51 Soldiers at attention outside palace. 06:15:59 Men waiting on terrace near fountain & arrival of two civilian VIPs, others follow. 06:16:35 Palace guards in formal uniforms, w/ rifles, march down & up outside palace. 06:16:56 Large interior dining room, men to chairs. Seated & talking as waiters serve. 06:17:53 LS across lake or large pond w/ mountains reflected. 06:18:07 Men talking at formal dining room table (as above). LS down tables. 06:18:24 MCU men in formal dress standing talking, holding glasses. 06:18:55 President in formal dress uniform w/ medals talking w/ military officer w/ many medals. Men stand, pose & receive medals from President. 06:19:24 VIPs, men, out of cars on airport tarmac; out of building w/ Bobbies by door. Gibraltar (?). Cars leaving past airport building. 06:20:02 Interior of large Opera House. Folk troupe dancers dancing. View of conductor (dark) conducting orchestra. 06:21:35 Audience in formal dress standing, talking in lobby. 06:21:46 VIP salutes audience from box; MCU of him in military uniform w/ medals among people in lobby. 06:22:14 Peasant farmers by roadside, military men walking past & greeted. Car arrives & President out reviews troops; troops march up road , others give fascist salute. 06:23:18 Small group of civilian & military men talking at table w/ fruit, glasses. CUs. 06:24:10 Men’s chorus singing (brief). Motorcade across border w/ Spain, signs. High angle of building in mountains. WW2 Neutrality; Fascist Dictator; 1940s; 1942; 1943; Neutral Country;