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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221156-25
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1942,1940s
Country: Spain
Location: Madrid,Porlier Men’s Prison,San Insidro Mothers Prison,Valencia Prison,Ventas Prison
TC Begins: 16:29:25
TC Ends: 16:39:26
Duration: 00:10:01
WWII - 1942, Spain Prisons: Ventas Prison for Women; San Insidro Mothers Prison; Porlier Men’s Prison; Valencia Prison Exterior, Director & Administrator of Prison walking round perimeter. Int. women prisoners in kitchens, prison administrator tasting soup. Catholic nun watches women enter workroom & stand by sewing machines. Women pray before work. Women sewing at machines & some doing hand embroidery. 16:31:43 Cooking classes, woman guard teaching young girls. Nuns teaching young girls to iron. 16:32:12 San Insidro Mothers Prison; Porlier Men’s Prison; Valencia Prison (ca 1942) Madrid, Spain; Courtyard of prison w/ mothers & young children and babies. Group of toddlers in yard. Woman getting small children ready to visit father in different prison. Woman guard takes kids. Kids wait to be let thru prison gate. Party arrives at Porlier men’s prison, goes into directors office. Picture of Franco. Male prisoner into office & kisses small boy. CU lots of hugs and kisses. 16:36:07 At festivals of Nativity and Epiphany children are allowed to visit Fathers in prison. Long row of children clutching bags entering prison accompanied by nuns, Sisters of Charity. Kids into hall, greeted by fathers. Stall selling toys made by prisoners. Prisoner paying for toy at window. Kids in courtyard w/ newly acquired wooden dogs made by prisoners. Mock circus put on by fathers to amuse children in prison yard. Dictators; Franco Era; Post Spanish Civil War; Political Prisoners; 1940s; Jail; Social Services; Punishment; Rehabilitation;