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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220506-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1942,1940s
Country: USA
Location: Salinas, California,Tanforan, CAlifornia
TC Begins: 00:25:30
TC Ends: 00:36:05
Duration: 00:10:35
WWII - 1942, USA Homefront: Japanese-American Relocation Camp Slate: Roll 25 Scene 27 Take 1 Camera 36. Japanese-American barber cutting young boy’s hair, Tanforan, California Relocation Center. 00:26:14 Slate: same, Scene 28. Totalizer newspaper office in stables; CU Win, Place, Show betting windows (?). 00:26:56 Slate: same, Scene 29. CU sign: Tanforan Totalizer Office Rm 4 Hrs 8:30am - 5:30pm, pan to desk w/ MCU man’s hands typing on manual typewriter beside sign: Editor. 00:27:26 Slate: same, Scene 29, take 2. Repeat. 00:28:00 Slate: same, Scene 30. MLS Young Japanese-American men & women working at typewriters in newspaper office; US flag on wall & papes on wall behind. 00:29:01 Slate: same, Scene 31. Editor, smoking cigarette, & reporter marking up copy. 00:29:42 Slate: same, Scene 32. Young man fixing typewriter. 00:30:14 Slate: same, Scene 33. MLS Men working at drafting tables. 00:30:41 Slate: same, Scene 34. MCU Two men w/ pencils, paper & triangle ruler making drawings, talking. 00:31:21 Slate: same, Scene 35. MLS From rear of women at adult education class, instructor in front of blackboard w/ English phrases. 00:32:09 Slate: same, Scene 36 MLS View of class from in front & instructor talking to women seated on benches. Scene 37, MS women’s faces, one laughing. 00:34:10 Slate: Roll 26 Scene 1 Take 1, Camera 36. Salinas Assembly Center. MS sign: Salinas Assembly Center w/ barbed wire fence behind & tall concrete building or wall beyond; pan to guardhouse w/ sign No Visitors Admitted After P.M. Slate: same, Take 2. Repeat, but w/ man in guardhouse giving out visitors’ pass; men come up & show i.d. 00:35:01 Slate: same, Scene 3. Repeat of sign & pan to man showing i.d. to receive permit & leaving. Others arrive & get passes, walk to Army guard / soldier w/ bayonet on rifle who takes pass & points & men walk thru gate (off screen). Pacific War Internment; WW2; USA Homefront; 1940s; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.