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WWII - 1943, Allied Documentary: Target Victory R2 of 2

Reel Number: 300101

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1943,1940s

Country: England,Germany,United Kingdom,USA,USSR


TC Begins: 01:00:13

TC Ends: 01:09:21

Duration: 00:09:08

WWII - 1943, Allied Propaganda, Morale Boosting R2 of 2 Montage: bombers on airfield; moving large bombs from storage by overhead winch & trailer / bomb cart to aircraft. CU chalk on bomb: Praise the Lord and Pass the Bombs. Loading / hoisting into plane. Bomber crew being briefed & into plane. Nose art on plane: Men’s Room (on door); Memphis Belle; Texas Bronco; Marie Jane; Lillian. 01:01:19 Montage: motors starting, row taxiing, taking off (some USAF); overhead, aerial formation; CU navigator & ?? w/ oxygen masks; fighter attacking & machine gunner firing. Holes into fuselage, machine gunner hit, pilot, flak, CU of fingers on control buttons / switches. Docks, bombs released, falling, exploding & smoke rising. 01:04:17 Flak & attacking fighters; machine gunners firing; flak. CU motors & propellors. Oxygen masks off. 01:05:22 Ground crew looking up, waiting. Returning bombers landing. 01:05:38 Montage: damaged wheel, blown tire, buried in mud. Tail badly damaged. Crew examine damaged plane, injured removed on litter / stretcher. Bandaged airman smoking in infirmary. CU airman holding medal CU airman speaking (MOS). 01:06:38 Montage: fuselage of plane w/ bombs, bomb bay doors close. Dusk & field of aircraft, taxiing, taking off, in flight. Cockpit shot. Night bombing & fires, flares & explosions. 01:07:50 Aerial of early morning light & returning aircraft in flight. Many contrails from beneath. 01:08:32 CU hand moving handle to release bombs, bombs falling. Titles: Rennes; L’Orient; Vegesack. 01:08:50 CU bomb release. Smoke rising from city & bombs falling. Title: Paris (Renault Works); Bremen; Hamm; Wilhelmshaven; Target; Victory. 01:09:12 The End. Army Air Force; 1940s; Destruction; Aircraft Industry; Air Battle; NOTE: Sound track missing on this reel.

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