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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250040-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1943
Country: USA
TC Begins: 06:13:26
TC Ends: 06:17:35
Duration: 00:04:09
WWII - 1943, Gabreski GSAP & on ground in P47 Thunderbolt, 03Sep43 & 26Nov43 Intertitle: Combat Film U.S. No. 371. Maj. F.S. Gabreski 56 F.G. 61 sqdn 03Sep43 Attacking F.W. 190. 06:13:29 Guns firing, hits, plane explodes. 06:13:43 Intertitle: Film No. 822. Gabreski. 26Nov43 Attacking 2 M.E. 110's. 06:13:46 From above, guns firing at ME 110, pieces of plane falling as Gabrreski comes in close from behind. 06:14:09 P-47 fighter airplane taxiing past. 06:14:21 MCU Gabreski in P47 cockpit w/ 27 German missions below, waves; taxiis forward, parked planes & hangars BG. 06:14:56 MCU crew member on wing showing Gabreski another swastika kill sticker, licks & puts on plane. for number 28. 06:15:15 CU block & rope in front of landing gear, rope pulls. CU two airmen taking still pictures. MCU P47 w/ 27 mission stickers on plane; Col. Gabreski climbs into cockpit, 2 ground crew assist in adjusting straps, barracks in bg. 06:16:09 Lt. Col. Gabreski shuts off motor, ground crew, some on bicycles, run to P-47, 2 (Staff Sgt. Ralph Safford, crew chief & the assistant crew chief) climb up to cockpit, congratulate pilot & assist him out; crew wave & shake his hand. MCS he gets down & walks, followed by others. 06:17:05 MLS P47 w/ belly tank - hangars & quonset huts bg - starts engine & ground crew man pulls block from landing gear, P-47 taxis forward, past stack of belly tanks in bg. 1943; GSAP; WW2 Hero; Celebrity; 56th Fighter Group, 61st Fighter Squadron; Air Ace; NOTE: On 26Nov43 Gabreski recorded his fourth & fifth kills near Oldenburg, Germany; was one of only seven US pilots to become an ace in two wars; was also a jet fighter ace in Korea.