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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250162-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1943,1940s
Country: Japan,Solomon Islands,USA
Location: New Georgia,Segi point,SOLOMON ISLANDS
TC Begins: 12:00:01
TC Ends: 12:09:10
Duration: 00:09:09
WWII - 1943, Pacific: Solomon Islands, Activities At Segi Point, New Georgia. 14-20Jul43 MS American pilot talking w/ two men at base in New Georgia; pilot climbs into rear compartment of biplane. Ground crew man cranks engine & amphibious reconnaissance biplane taxis forward on land slowly 12:00:44 Take off of biplane from landing strip on the beach 12:01:04 Trucks on the beach and construction work; GIs loading oil drums onto a truck w/ crane - various angles 12:01:59 Camouflaged radar mast turning 12:01:13 Single engine fighters (SBDs?) towed & taxi on strip 12:02:40 Crashed & wrecked planes, wreckage. 12:03:12 Plane towed by jeep on muddy airstrip. 12:03:26 Crashed Corsair, badly damaged; CU nose w/ damaged propellers & fire damage to engine; GIs salvaging metal from Corsair. 12:04:26 Anti-aircraft gun emplacement w/ spotters. 12:05:41 Biplane coming into land on strip 12:05:58 Control tower speaking to planes on radio sets. MCUs. High angle of strip, truck pulling grader. 12:06:57 Ground crew working on engine of fighter (SBD?). CUs. 12:07:25 PBY/ OA-10 Catalina taxis on airstrip & swings round to a stop; pilot speaks to crew on ground . 12:08:00 Supplies / crates unloaded (quite bleached out). 12:08:05 Pilot talking from Catalina, aircraft taxis on strip & takes off – nice pan into trees 12:08:34 GIs in chow line; eating around the camp. WW2 Activities; Pacific Islands;