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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1269-10
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1943,1940s
Country: Kiribati,USA
Location: gilbert islands,Pacific,tarawa
TC Begins: 15:22:46
TC Ends: 15:30:02
Duration: 00:07:16
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1943, Pacific, Tarawa: Invasion By Marines; Fighting. 26Nov43 (date per NARA card) MLS Many LVTs heading toward beach in choppy water, from another. DUKW. 15:23:50 High angle / HA Winch on deck of ship; small craft coming alongside ship. CU Winch turning & cable coming off. 15:24:16 CU Men handling lines. CU Hands of man operating winch; man sitting on control box. HA MS LVT hoisted out of AP hold w/ men in LVT. 15:24:51 MS LVT being lowered over side. MLS AP, LCMs & LCVPs in water. Unidentified aircraft flying overhead. 15:25:24 HA MS Anti-tank artillery lowered into LCVP; men in LCVP handling loading lines. HA MS Jeep hoisted from hold of AP; sign in jeep: "5-2". 15:25:58 LS LCMs & LCVPs in water; APs at anchor in far bg. 15:26:23 LA MS Lookouts on mainmast of AP; American flag flying. LS Small craft in water; men sitting on small boat that is hanging from hook in fg. 15:26:57 MCU Marines sitting in bomb crater on island: smoke in bg. Drinking from Saki or beer bottles. 15:27:20 MCU Behind Marines firing machine gun out of sandbagged position into pile of dead Japanese on ground, bodies fly apart. MLS Pan across bodies to smoking & burning building. 15:27:45 CU Marines throw grenades from behind sandbags. Dead Japanese. MS Marines marching along roadway. 15:28:22 LS PAN Beach w/ small craft on beach; tide is out; palm trees. MS Large Japanese torpedoes on dollies on beach. 15:28:42 MS American flag being raised; Marine holding flag, others watching. CU Marine bugler sounding call as flag is raised. MS Marine enlisted men & officers saluting as flag is raised. CU PAN Marine General SMITH & staff saluting. WW2 Fighting; Battle; Horrors of War; Brutality; Frustration; Invasion Landing; NOTE: Battle of Tarawa largely fought 20-23Nov43 & was first American offensive in the region. NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: