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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220517-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s,1943
Country: England,Greenland,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Atlantic,London,Pacific
TC Begins: 10:32:19
TC Ends: 10:42:02
Duration: 00:09:43
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Titles. R1 of 2 10:32:47 London street scenes, Piccadilly Circus w/ traffic; House of Commons w/ traffic entering thru gate & pedestrians. 10:33:05 Battlecruiser Hood. MS & CU w/ name. 10:33:19 Bismarck at sea, launching by Hitler. GOOD. 10:33:44 Churchill & Naval officer at Admiralty. Telegraph operator. BBC Broadcasting House - radio engineer at large racks. 10:34:06 RAF briefing, airmen listening. Animated map of Greenland area. 10:34:30 Aerials of PBY Catalina in flight; takeoff; view of clouds. 10:35:18 Montage: rough sea, British fleet. Men in PBY plane; radiomen; ships & planes into action from carriers,etc. Radio signals. Torpedoes moved to biplane; takeoffs from carrier, in flight, explosions, battleship firing; planes drop torpedoes, explosions, ships launch torpedoes. 10:37:19 Explosion, men dive off wreckage & sinking ship (some staged). 10:37:37 PBYs; US & British flags. Many PBYs, women wave goodbye, planes into water & take off for Hawaii (ca 1935). Group in formation flight. 10:39:51 Landing in Hawaii. 10:40:10 Fighter planes on airstrip lowering folded wings. MCU pilot & co-pilot / navigator, thumbs-up. 10:40:18 Pilots briefed / pose beside plane on airfield. Aerial of many biplanes over Randolph Field. 10:40:27 Montage: Naval air training school, arriving cadets & cadets in classroom, link trainer, on airstrip. biplane acrobatics, gunnery practice on ground, catapult take off, dive bombing at target. 10:41:14 Seaplane takeoff, view from in front of trainer / pilot rearward. Biplane landing on water roughly. 10:41:41 PBY take off, in flight, landing. Wings pinned on. WW2 Naval Aviation; WWII Navy Patrol; British Navy; Amphibious Military Aircraft; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: