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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220623-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1943,1940s
Country: USA
Location: Dayton, Ohio
TC Begins: 23:39:47
TC Ends: 23:48:51
Duration: 00:09:04
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1943, USA Government Documentary re labor shortage R2 of 3 Montage: POV past engineers / draftsmen / designers at drawing boards, thru office w/ men /workers. Commission has decided that many of the unfilled jobs could be done by women. Two young women interviewing w/ notepads older woman working in home flower garden; others visiting homes - knocking on doors - talking to housewives to try to recruit them to get a war job. One young mother being interviewed has to stop young son from falling over porch fence. (GOOD) 23:40:51 Day nursery, mothers leaving children & kissing goodbye. Kids eating & at play. Recruitment campaign intercut shots of daily life of women. 29May43 pamphlet: The War Worker. 23:42:20 Factory & motion picture cameras & crew w/ lights filming women at work for use in publicity. 23:42:31 Interior cinema / movie theater, brief shots audience - on screen - advertising film re Dayton, Ohio Women Marching to War. 23:43:07 Dayton Radio station conducting live interviews in factory w/ women assembly line workers. 23:43:20 Middle class living room where four women are playing bridge & listening to radio broadcast. 23:43:34 Dayton buildings; Billboards for Dayton War Manpower Committee; newspaper ads for recruitment. Workers in factory, production lines. Aerial over Dayton. 23:44:23 Disabled workers - deaf mute girls cleaning lenses, blind man, handicapped / crippled man; older men working for the war effort. 23:44:54 Lines of workers recruited for part-time work including teachers & students out of school. Women & othes queue at counters to enlist for war work. Sign: US employment services offices. 23:45:34 Women’s hands intercut doing domestic & industrial jobs: sewing / wiring; manicurist filing nails & filing at vise in factory; cocktail shaker & using grinder; polishing shoes & polishing metalwork. Interior employment offices where industries are interviewing & hiring on the spot. 23:46:31 Workers pouring out of factory at end of shift. Street scenes. 23:46:51 Men in planning meeting. CUs: New Store Hours listings w/ staggered hours to accommodate war workers. Shoppers at night, street scenes. Department store exterior & interiors. Banks open at night - groups of workers cashing checks / cheques. Beauty salon & barbershop night shift. 23:48:15 Montage: Exterior movie theater, clubs; interior bowling alley - couples dancing on street - interior dance hall 23:48:35 Interior of temporary accommodation for women workers. WW2; 1940s; USA Homefront Daily Life; Recruiting Workers; Labor Force; Shortages; Propaganda; Recreation; Night Life; Note: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: