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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220623-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1943,1940s
Country: USA
Location: Dayton, Ohio
TC Begins: 23:49:26
TC Ends: 23:57:57
Duration: 00:08:31
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1943, USA Government Documentary re labor shortage R3 of 3 Large sign for Harshman Homes ..Dayton Metropolitan Housing Authority & construction of new housing projects. Builders w/ plans on site, construction w/ partially built houses & carpenters. Completed suburban housing development. LS before street is paved. 23:50:05 Buildings in city center converted to house war workers. Traffic. Factory workers leaving work. Car sharing / pools. Buses / transportation. Men & women workers in and out at change of shift. (GOOD) 23:51:26 Men & woman in office w/ papers & talking, planning. 23:51:41 Large factory cafeteria & serving line; sign: Ladies’ Dining Room. MLS women eating & smoking in their own space. 23:52:03 Men working on assembly line. CU Factory steam whistle blows signaling break, men eating apple, smoking, talking. 23:52:24 Signs: Ladies Health Department; First Aid, MS Dentist & nurse w/ patient. Personal services department set up in factories to stop people needing to take time off for visits to rationing offices / driving license office etc. 23:53:01 Large building; interior w/ two men in office, MOS worker wants to quit, man talks him out of it. 23:53:25 Exteriors factories at night. Interior & workes at punch presses. Worker Manpower Commission training meeting. Management labor committee. 23:54:30 Animated graphic re war production. SOF Meeting of committee re manpower and Dayton success story.6 23:57:05 Interior, aircraft & armament factories & assembly lines. Military vehicles stockpiled. 23:57:32 Eisenhower in uniform standing in front of flags. 23:57:48 The End. WW2; 1940s; USA Homefront Daily Life; Recruiting Workers; Labor Force; Shortages; Propaganda; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: