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Go to HomepageReel Number: 200558-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1943,1940s
Country: Solomon Islands,USA
Location: California,Guadalcanal,New York,NYC,Pacific,Santacruz
TC Begins: 11:06:44
TC Ends: 11:10:00
Duration: 00:03:16
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: [WWII - 1943, USA Homefront: Flowers For Hospitals; Doughnuts & Coffee; Vandegrift Thanks ARC] Titles. 11:07:00 High Angle / HA Red Cross ambulances & other vehicles parked w/ crowded sidewalk; CU NYC flower district florist window w/ Red Cross poster & sign: Receiving Depot Potted Plants, Army & Navy Hospitals. Florist assembling bouquet; women in American Red Cross (ARC) motor corps uniforms & volunteers loading flowers . 11:07:22 Handing plants out of van to sailors at hospital; nurses giving to men in hospital bed, flowers smelled. CU smelling carnation. WW2 Army Casualties; Wounded Recovering Veterans; Grey Ladies; USA Homefront; 11:07:54 Intertitle: “Dobbin Draws The Doughnuts.” Red Cross workers on horse-drawn wagon, wood sided ARC station wagon pulls up & very large crate lifted by Grey Ladies & two women in ARC uniforms onto wagon a Santa Cruz chapter takes crate of doughnuts & coffee to beach & Black troops of Coast Artillery Unit unload; women serving, CUs. 11:08:45 Intertitle: “Maj. General Alexander Vandegrift Reports From Guadalcanal.” Rafts of US Marines rowing beside ship; Vandegrift & others saluting as flag raised. Interior, Vandergrift stands in front of posters & reads speech, SOF: “To much can never be said about the splendid work the Red Cross has been carrying on with the Armed Forces. ... visuals of troops digging in on beachhead & leaving ship into rafts. Gives thanks for the blood plasma collected... Thanks donors & ARC. Continued... WW2; Humanitarian Aid; Woodie; NOTE: If requested will supply 11:06:44 - 11:17:01 (2 cards) at per reel price. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: