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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221661-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1943,1940s
Country: USA
Location: New Jersey,New York City,newark,NYC
TC Begins: 06:24:48
TC Ends: 06:36:34
Duration: 00:11:46
WWII - 1943, USA Homefront: Motion Picture Industry; RCA Factory Workers Businessmen meeting in Warner Brothers Building, 44th St., NYC. around long table covered w/ papers. Wall posters re Red Cross & Buy A War Bond. Man at head of table talking (MOS). MCU executives; groups of various executives. Reading from papers. 06:29:48 MCU USA map on wall w/ pins - W.A.C. Public Relations Division. War Activities Committee of Motion Picture Industry. 06:29:58 Poster design w/ film reels, rewinds & flashlights looking like artillery guns when silhouetted. 06:30:15 Door w/ W.A.C. over film reel. 06:30:24 Women entering RCA Victor brick factory building, Newark, New Jersey. Entering thru gate past plant guard. Women hurrying in. Leaving after work shift. 06:33:32 Factory w/ tall brick chimney w/ RCA Radiotrons. 06:34:03 Int. women working at long benches soldering, assembling. Coca Cola sign; Big Band concert sign. Supervisor looking at women’s work. MCU assembling. CU assembling w/ foot pedal soldering machine assembling small radio tubes. 06:36:06 CU sign: Coca-Cola Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands featuring Gene Krupa saluting RCA at the Mosque Fri. April 16. CU. WW2; War Industry - Motion Picture; Electronics; 1940s; Entertainment; Patriotism; Show Business;