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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250021-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1944
Country: Germany,USA
TC Begins: 16:51:56
TC Ends: 17:01:18
Duration: 00:09:22
NOTE: all flash titles listing VIII Fighter Command. Combat Film (CF) No. 909. Lt. Walsh 350 Sqdn 353 FG 24Feb44 Attacking F.W. 190. High approaching FW190, hits & wing breaks off, plane spins away. 16:52:12 Following plane smoking heavily, shots hit & debris towards gun camera. 16:52:32 CF No. 165. Lt. J.J. Hockery 82 Sqdn. 78 FG 24Jan44 attacking ME.110. Firing on twin-engine plane, knocks part of wing away. Engines smoking. 16:53:03 CF No. 186 Lt. Furness 350 Sqdn. 24Jan44 353 FG attacking ME.110. Diving & following, hitting right engine, smoking. 16:53:27 CF no. 298 1st Lt D.S. Bryan 328 Sqdn 352 FG 30Jan44 attacking FW 190. Hit CU. 16:54:12 CF no. 310 1st Lt. Q.L. Brown 84 Sqdn. 78 FG 30Jan44 attacking ME. 109 16:54:22 CF no. 313 lt. Tanner 350 Sqdn. 353 FG 30Jan44 Attacking FW 190. Hits & plane spins. 16:54:32 CF no. 333 Lt. Clotfelter 335 Sqdn 4 FG 31Jan44 attacking ME.109 CU hitting plane & breaking up w/ parts past camera. 16:54:59 CF no. 457 Lt. Pompetti 84 Sqdn. 78 FG 06Feb44 attacking ground targets. Diving at planes on airfield; water tower; railroad freight train; riverboats. 16:55:45 CF no. 506 Lt. R.D. Bradshaw 359 Sqdn 356 FG 10Feb44 Attacking FW 190. 16:55:57 CF no. 520 Lt. Strait 361 Sqdn 356 FG 10FEb44 Attacking ME. 109 Plane smokes, hit. 16:56:19 CF no. 623 Lt. Icard 62 Sqdn 56 FG 11FEb44 Attacking ME. 109 Two planes seen. 16:56:42 CF no. 631 Lt. Hockery 82 Sqdn 78 FG 11Feb44 Attacking ME. 109 Low level, following plane up & pieces falling off. 16:57:07 CF no. 643 Lt. Thwaites 361 Sqdn, 356 FG 13Feb44 Attacking ME. 109. GOOD hit. 16:57:58 CF no. 678 Lt. Col. F.S. Gabreski 61 Sqdn. 56 20Feb44 Attacking ME.110. Four planes attacked. One hit & parts flying off. 16:58:12 CF no. 682 Lt. D.F. Smith 61 Sqdn. 56 FG 20Feb44 Attacking 3 ME. 110s. Several close, 4 further away, one drops. Four in flight, one hit. 16:58:35 CF no. 733 Lt. Klibby 61 Sqdn 56 FG 21Feb44 Attacking ME. 109. Slowly turning, smoking. 16:59:16 CF no. 795 Lt. Bryant 62 Sqdn 56 FG 22Feb44 Attacking FW 190 & ME. 109 Past two, hit & explodes into ball of flame. 16:59:32 CF no. 837 Lt Lt. J.B. Carder 364 Sqdn 357 FG 22Feb44. Attacking ME. 109 & FW. 190. High CU ball of flame. 16:59:40 CF no. 839 Capt. J. Medeiros 364 Sqdn 357 FG 22Feb44 Attacking ME. 109. Plane sheds parts. 16:59:49 CF no. 850 Lt. Col. Duncan 353 FG 22Feb44 attacking airfield, 2 trains & FW. 190. Extreme CU behind fighter. 17:00:03 CF no. 879 lt. G.M. Turley 82 Sqdn 78FG 24Feb44 Attacking ME.109 Good follow, hits, pilot beneath parachute. 17:00:24 CF no. 884 Maj. J.C. Stewart 61 Sqdn 56 FG 24Feb44 Attacking ME. 109. Low, following, hit belly tank & plane spins. 17:00:59 CF no. 900 Lt. J.H. Truluck 63 Sqdn, 56 FG 24Feb44 Attacking ME. 109. High altitude. WWII; WW2 GSAP; Air Battle; Aerial Combat Fighting; Kills;