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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221776-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s,1944
Country: England,Germany,United Kingdom,USA
TC Begins: 05:07:33
TC Ends: 05:14:05
Duration: 00:06:32
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1944, USAAF Bombing Command Mission: In Flight, Bombardier Sighting; Returning Planes View thru Norden bomb sight, Bombardier; MS of string of bombs dropping & from B-17s. Bombs falling, exploding, camera lenses. Bursts of flame, explosions. Drops over other targets, heavy smoke & explosions. 05:09:04 B-24s w/ bomb bay doors opening, bombs falling, explosions & smoke. 05:09:33 Bombing over Gdynia, bombs dropping & explosions around harbor docks. Bombs falling & heavy smoke. 05:10:05 SOF 2-Star General / Major General at desk receives report of bombing target. Calls Lieutenant General Ira Eaker w/ news that all primary targets were attacked. 05:10:54 MCU three B-17 bombers w/ bomb bay doors closed & tail letter C. 05:11:17 Chart showing route to rally point; LS others form formation & flying above clouds. 05:11:57 B-26 Marauders taking off r. to l. Open bomb bay doors w/ bombs falling; explosions & smoke. 05:12:33 Fighter planes taking off, in formations. 05:12:50 Ground crew waiting & watching for returning planes; on control tower, in club, gesture as formation seen. Ground crew stop working on planes to watch returning aircraft. WW2 8th Bomber Command; 8th USAAF; Bombing Mission; Bomb Run; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Very good quality. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: