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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1366-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1944
Country: Japan,USA
Location: Mariana Islands,Pacific
TC Begins: 12:00:12
TC Ends: 12:09:49
Duration: 00:09:37
WWII - 1944, Attack On Marianas, 15Jun44 R1 of 2 Title. 12:00:27 Pans of anchored fleet of ships. 12:00:48 Title: Saipan is the main objective of huge task forces. 12:00:52 Pan. View of ships enroute, camouflaged aircraft carrier & others. 12:01:15 Title: Observation & scouting planes are on constant patrol. 12:01:21 Two aircraft carriers, planes on decks; other ships & planes launched from catapult. 12:01:56 Title: Destroyer suffers superficial damage from shore batteries & air attack. 12:02:00 Heavily burning ship; LS of ship w/ smoke from stern. Tracers; explosions in ocean near ships. Ships firing. Aerial of ships firing. Ship sinking. GOOD. 12:03:09 Heavily burning on shore. DD alongside; MCU of torpedo launching tubes. Removal of wounded between ships on stretchers. Shots of ship of hosing gun barrel. 12:04:12 Title: Carrier planes bomb shore installations. 12:04:16 Carrier & fleet ships on calm water, planes in formation l. to r. Land from sea, planes circling & low-level bombing runs, large cloud of smoke. Aerial of large fire & dark smoke cloud. View from sea w/ two large clouds rising on shore. Carrier & other ships, planes returning & landing. Shot from high on ship of amphibious spotter plane landing & taxiing up, cable hooked & plane raised. GOOD sequence. 12:05:42 Title: Big Guns Open Up. 12:05:46 Large battleship guns fired; intercut w/ explosions on shore & smoke rising, men on ship w/ binoculars watching. Heavy shore fires burning, men loading guns & firing. Various views. GOOD seq. 12:07:26 Title: Navy fire power in close formation. 12:07:30 Ships of fleet in line firing while moving towards shore. GOOD sequence. 12:08:47 Title: Landing craft move in w/ men & supplies - returning w/ wounded. 12:08:52 High angle of many landing craft towards shore; fleet anchored & firing, smoke blowing. WW2 Invasion; Pacific Islands; Battles; Fighting; NOTE: Good image quality & coverage.