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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221502-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1944
Country: Australia
Location: Camp Strathpine,Queensland
TC Begins: 21:37:39
TC Ends: 21:45:50
Duration: 00:08:11
WWII - 1944, Australia: Camp Strathpine, Queensland, MacArthur Inspects 1st Cav Div. 01Jan44 MacArthur talking w/ other officers beside road. Troops march past on road in background. Walking as group, visiting laundry area, talking to GI. Walking between row of tents. Talking w/ officers, watching troops march on roadway; watching GI swing on rope across gully obstacle course. Inspecting tent. Walking past buildings back to car. Officer talks to assembled men; Mac inspects lines of parked jeeps. 21:42:27 GIs race across pond on narrow log bridge, seen from several angles. Crossing on rope bridge, wire pulley. 21:43:43 Standing talking in middle of camp; pan across. Jeeps w/ troops & mounted machine guns past in long convoy. Tanks in opposite direction. Tanks thru brush. k Jeep & trailer loaded w/ stretchers of dummies (?). Tank crews sitting on one tank before camera. Troops w/ packs & rifles march past on road. Training; First Cavalry Division; WW2;