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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250019-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1944
Country: USA
Location: South Pacific
TC Begins: 12:51:25
TC Ends: 13:01:01
Duration: 00:09:36
Titles. 12:52:13 Montage: Shipyard & workers; open pit iron ore mine & CU mining; smelters; Black steel worker; sparks, rolling; workers out of factories, at shipyards; welding; riveting; installing & manufacturing shafts, propellors. 12:53:22 Aircraft carrier after launching; aerial w/ planes on deck; Task Force escort ships from CV. Planes warming up on deck, machine guns & bombs mounted, pilots out of briefing room & into planes, engines started & take offs of dive bombers, torpedo bombers etc. Aerials, planes diving to attack. 12:55:01 American carrier under attack, signals, radio room, loudspeakers, defense fighters taking off. Machine guns firing, ack-ack flak. Ships gun crews firing, Japanese plane into ocean. Carrier turning hard, returning plane crashes & pilot on carrier deck running for safety. Checking ship for damage. More attack footage. GOOD. 12:57:40 Task force ships firing; flak; carrier shots, battleship firing, MCU guns firing. Tracers towards plane in sky. Planes burning in sea. Sky filled w/ smoke. 12:58:54 Plane crashing into end of CV deck, smoke thru flight deck; men fighting fire, hoses. LS of carrier burning heavily. 13:00:03 Montage, woman breaking bottle on ship & launchings, CU workers. 13:00:26 Title: The fighting weapons of America -- the planes & ships & guns you have just seen in action... The End. WWII War Effort; WW2;