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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1490-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1944
Country: Italy,USA
TC Begins: 01:00:11
TC Ends: 01:07:59
Duration: 00:07:48
WWII - 1944, Documentary re weapons R1 of 2 Titles. 01;00:36 Establishing shots: valley, LS & MCU pan war-torn village in what was Nazi occupied country, rubble. 01:01:19 Allied troops over debris into buildings. US troops in group resting, smoking, eating outside houses, talk about how good their guns are. CUs & MCUs. 01:02:25 Troops march into Army barracks on homefront training camp. 01:02:30 Soldiers watch Instructional film showing firepower of light carbine - bullets thru Nazi helmets on models in woods. 01:02:50 Soldier firing M-1 rifle showing bullet passing thru tree or concrete wall & into target. 01:03:25 Browning automatic demonstrated. 01:03:47 30 caliber machine gun demonstrated cutting down tree. Air cooled shot across river. 01:04:20 60mm mortar demonstrated fired into sandbagged position. 01:04:35. 81mm mortar laying smoke screen. 01:04:47 Bazooka fired at & stopping tank. 01:04:53 37mm anti-tank gun pushed into place & fires on concrete pillbox; hole shown. 01:05:12 57mm fired into concrete pillbox w/ better results. Fired . 01:05:29 105mm Howitzer fired, hits roadblock & destroys it. 01:05:48 Long Tom 155 big gun firing. Fired into simulated German blockhouse 15 miles away. Results. End of demonstration film sequence. 01:06:19 Troops pull artillery into position up rocky canyon on Italian front; over mountains. "Long Tom" with Bellowing Bitch painted on barrel pulled up muddy road. Chicken walks up barrel. MCUs. Howitzers and Sherman tanks & other military equipment moving up. WW2; Propaganda; War Industry; Weapons; NOTE: Demonstrates the firing of light carbines M-1 rifles, BAR's, machine guns, mortars, antitank guns, bazooka, 57, and a 105-mm howitzer. 155 rifle.