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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220432-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1944
Country: USA
Location: Pacific
TC Begins: 08:32:53
TC Ends: 08:46:31
Duration: 00:13:38
WWII - 1944, Documentary} On importance of wood & wood products in warfare; & the necessity of restricting civilian consumption. 08:33:27 Pacific fighting; combat & wounded evacuated on stretchers, loading on ship & hospital ship. Veteran’s hospital. Veteran assures a logger of the vital uses of wood in combat. Sitting on porch chatting, in car etc. Intercut w/ brief combat scenes & describes combat equipment, arms & supplies that contain wood & wood products. Unloading supplies in boxes, etc. on beaches, in jungle. Bombers, fighter planes. gun camera. Laboratory & plastics. Train w/ logs, plywood manufacture. 08:37:13 Plane manufacture showing wood components. Mosquito dive bombers. USS Hornet in flames and new USS Shangri-La launched. Logs into mill ponds. Shipyard montage & launches. PT boats, LCVPs going ashore. Artillery firing smokeless powder from nitrose cellulose. Supplies dropped by rayon parachutes. Wooden gliders towed & landing. Wooden crates unloaded on beachhead, coffin & military cemetery. Animated map route to Tokyo to stress the problem of the expected lumber shortage & montage of the lumber requirements of the war. Wounded on stretchers. Timber industry shots, falling, choke setters, topping trees. Flume. WWII Industry - Homefront; Logging;