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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220287-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1943,1944,1940s
Country: England,France,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Normandy
TC Begins: 09:00:07
TC Ends: 09:08:28
Duration: 00:08:21
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1944, England: Invasion Forces Build Up & Boarding Ships. May-05Jun44 Titles. 09:00:19 Montage: Tehran Conference; military meetings w/ Marshall, CU General Eisenhower / Ike. 09;00:32 Illustrated map of France w/ Hitler’s defense; channel towns considered for invasion shown & England beyond. Cherbourg selected. 09:01:59 POV past trucks, weapons, artillery; trains w/ equipment & tanks. Troops / GIs arriving. 09:01:17 Training along English south coast w/ explosions, running troops, flame-throwers. Planes low overhead & POV on bombing run on Germany, bombs dropping. 09:02:05 Feb44 Air battles, planes exploding. GSAP shots. 09:02;26 Troops given orders CUs, shouting. Trucks, tanks, military equipment loaded w/ soldiers moving to coast. 09:03:09 Troops issued gas mask, life belt, cigarettes, candy, French money. Briefing. 09:04:11 Heavy equipment move out; thru town streets. 09:04:44 Embarking, backing onto ships. Infantry marching, boarding ships. 09:06:05 Men into landing craft & to ships. Climb rope nets on side of ships, helped aboard by sailors. High angle of ships in harbor, pan. Enroute men relax en route rolling dice, reading, listening to phonograph. Navy gun crews briefed. Men briefed on shipboard w/ maps, cleaning weapons, polishing boots. Officers on shipboard of USS Augusta. WW2; History; Embarking; Training; Planning; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Sound track background noise. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: