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WWII - 1944, England: General Eisenhower Visits 35th Infantry Division, SW England

Reel Number: 221509-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1944

Country: England,United Kingdom

Location: Exeter

TC Begins: 06:00:09

TC Ends: 06:09:09

Duration: 00:09:00

B 565 26Jun44 Ex. of Great Western Railroad station, Exeter w/ military VIPs into jeeps & staff cars. 06:00:26 Eisenhower on podium in rain beneath trees saluting troops. Inspecting troops w/ another officer; walks between rows, stops & talks. Crowd of troops seen from high angle & behind listening to Eisenhower. 06:01:53 Ike talking to officers on field (pulls back to repeat). Artillery firing salutes. Eisenhower walking w/ others, shakes hands w/ saluting soldier & talks w/ him in MCU. Into staff car, Summersby briefly visible). 06:03:44 Ike beside trucks inspecting, talking w/ drivers. MCU. MCU w/ officers standing under trees talking. 06:05:21 Walking towards sign: Mine Field. Troops laying down, move forward on knees w/ knives searching for mines. Ike talking to soldiers, inspecting them. GOOD CUs. Raining. 06:06:30 High angle inspecting troops in rain. 06:07:00 Troops applauding. Ike & other officers on bluff from below watching (?); one w/ binoculars. View from behind looking out to sea, English Channel. Walking to car parked on sand. 06:08:02 Saluting troops in formation; people watch from side. Scottish drummers marching leading group on field w/ large estate behind. WWII Field Inspection; WW2 Southwest England; 35th Infantry Division; 1944;

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