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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1640-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1944
Country: England,France,United Kingdom,USA
Location: St Lo
TC Begins: 10:44:32
TC Ends: 10:53:20
Duration: 00:08:48
WWII - 1944, France: B-17 Bombing Mission Over St. Lo. 24Jul44 Aerial alongside B-17 R-L to formations in far distance. Shot of target, St. Lo. Many 500 lb bombs drop away, smoke rising in some spots, large string of bombs falling. Several shots of smoke rising from its, trail of pathfinder bomb at R--Trails of pathfinder bombs visible thru heavy clouds. 10:45:46 MLS to B-17s R-L, some flak--MS B-17 R- L. GOOD. 10:46:07 LSs over gun barrel of photoship, trail of pathfinder bombs visible- 10:46:30 MCU Tail of B-17 R-L over clouds. LS from above of formation of planes, unidentifiable. 10:46:59 MS B-17 R-L over clouds. 10:47:53 MCU B-17 left waist gunner removes oxygen mask preparatory to descending 10:48:03 CSs side views radio man at equipment, looking at chart; CS hands checking charts from instruments. CU radio man removing oxygen mask, name on helmet "Dutch", replaces earphones. 10:49:01 CU right waist gunner clears gun, belts visible; ball turret gunner leaves turret, others of crew visible. CU Navigator checking map, plotting course back to England; folds maps. 10:50:05 B-17s looking past propellor hubs on photoship. 10:50:14 High altitude above St. Lo target; many bombs away, smoke rising, bomb puffs (jerky in spots). 10:51:24 Down onto top of B-17, nose & top turret guns visible, L-R. Side views. 10:52:15 R-L B-17 formation, all but 1 silver over clouds. Closer shot of formation following, L-R, 10:52:40 MCU over B-17 L-R; formation. WW2; European bombing mission; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. Good exposure & coverage. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: