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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1640-10
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1944,
Country: France,USA
Location: Chartres,Epernon,LE Mans,Rambouillet
TC Begins: 11:31:36
TC Ends: 11:40:53
Duration: 00:09:17
INV 1377 Slate: Camera: Grumiio. French Army outside Epernon. 23Aug Roll 1. 11:31:41 Gen Jacque Phillipe Leclerc into jeep; leaving Epernon w/ 2nd French Armored Div. following down country road w/ armored cars, jeeps. 11:32:22 INV 1378 Flash slate: same, camera Lt. Bassity. Loc. Rambouillet Roll 1. Leclerc & others walking, talking around jeep; townspeople watching. MCU Leclerc. 11:33:27 INV 1380 French officers & others talking, walking w/ civilians past. High angle of civilians watching from sidewalks. 11:34:07 Flash slate: General de Gaulle. Kahn 23Aug Roll 1. Cars leave in motorcade past onlookers. 11:34:35 INV 1379 Ext. Headquarters, Le Mans. Civilians, mostly women, behind iron fence, MCU smiling. MCU French military & civilian VIPs out past camera. De Gaulle out, salutes FFF at attention. 11:35:42 Gen de Gaulle w/ cigarette hanging in mouth & General Alphons Juin talking at crossroads near Chartres. Others waiting to side. 11:36:48 Crowd in city street, de Gaulle out of ?? past FFF honor guard, civilians applauding. Woman gives bouquet & de Gaulle w/ others into car, leaving past crowds waving. 11:37:41 de Gaulle w/ others walking thru streets, waving w/ motorcade following. Into car & passing; walks past graves w/ flowers & French flags. 11:39:41 In car past crowd; crowd waiting, watching. De Gaulle out of ??. 11:40:09 De Gaulle on platform at microphone speaking (MOS) in Chartres. Crowd applauding politely. CUs of crowd singing. WW2; Victory Celebration; NOTE: Enroute to Paris. Good exposure & shots.