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WWII - 1944, Italy: Global War, The - Mud In Italy

Reel Number: 220469-21

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1943,1944,1940s

Country: Italy,USA


TC Begins: 03:40:57

TC Ends: 03:42:07

Duration: 00:01:10

WWII - 1944, Italy: Army Bogged In Mud Intertitle: Global War, The - Mud In Italy 03:41:05 Section in middle of river of destroyed Roman stone bridge; temporary pontoon bridge beside. 03:41:08 Army Truck crossing rubber pontoon bridge on flooded river; upended rubber rafts / floats. 03:41:16 Injured US soldier carried out of water by others. Men digging mud for replacement bridge. Men onto bulldozer bogged down; another pushing mud. GOOD. 03:41:39 Column of trucks along road w/ water running across; truck pulling jeep pulled out of ditch. 03:41:54 Big gun mired in mud pulled free by bulldozer. Firing; explosions. Other artillery firing. 1940s Winter Wet Weather; WW2;

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