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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1295-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1944
Country: Philippines,USA
TC Begins: 10:00:02
TC Ends: 10:10:10
Duration: 00:10:08
WWII - 1944, Philippines, Operations, 20-21Oct44 Soldiers treating wounded alongside tank w/ destroyed track in mud alongside road. Bandaged wounded moved onto stretcher; laid out on blankets. 10:00:48 Philippine women, children & a few men walking barefoot to village along muddy road. 10:01:02 GIs, tanks to village. Explosion in sandbagged jungle encampment. GIs looking over dug in emplacements. Philippine soldier w/ gear into wheelbarrow. 10:02:06 GIs hurry, advance past burning village in tropical jungle palm trees. 10:02:14 Amphibious tanks onto shore past camera, ships in background; men out of troop carriers. 10:02:29 MCU Dead body at base of palm tree; other dead Japanese, GIs moving forward thru destroyed jungle. Tank off landing craft onto shore. Thru jungle. 10:03:06 Artillery in jungle firing. MCUs. 10:03:39 GIs shaking hands w/ Philippine man. Sharing cigarettes, talking & gesturing. 10:04:11 LS GIs in jungle; move thru brush. Carry several wounded on stretcher. 10:04:50 GIs cutting down palm trees w/ axes, artilleries sighted. 10:05:10 GIs follow tank thru jungle. MS soldiers carry guns & ammunition; talking to Filipinos. GOOD CUs. 10:06:13 Slate: Camera: H Goldstein. 10:06:16 GIs unloading crates of ammunition from many landing craft in surf, wading ashore; fuel drums rolled ashore. 10:07:19 Slate: 20Oct44. 10:07:23 GIs w/ many Filipinos at edge of jungle. CU young girls, mothers & babies. Eating. Posing. 10:08:18 GIs w/ flame-throwers & rifles walk thru jungle; wade in water to village. Dead body. Into village. 10:09:14 Rifleman pretends to shoot at treetop & ?? CU. GOOD. CU dead Japanese, bugs. WW2; Horrors of War; Pacific;