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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1567-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1944
Country: Holland,Luxembourg,Netherlands
Location: Holland,Nijmegen
TC Begins: 11:12:54
TC Ends: 11:20:07
Duration: 00:07:13
WWII - 1944, Nijmegen, Holland Airborne Div. Sets Combat Record 26Nov44; Congressmen Visit Eagle Tactical Air Command, Luxembourg, 05Dec44 LIB 1129 Troops moving along road on foot; trucks & jeep pass MP & waving civilians, park in field. Soldiers w/ children around camp fire. GIs in trucks parked along roadside smile at camera. 11:14:46 Large group of troops in field, getting coffee at wagon & smoking. Standing talking. 11:15:50 Line of infantry beside roadside on ridge; climb into truck & give thumbs up. View of trucks along top river dike. Soldiers ride off in back of truck. 11:17:58 LIB 1130 Slate: Congressmen Visit. Cameraman L.C. Woods 05Dec44. Congressmen sitting around table w/ Gen. Bradley. MCU Bradley. 11:18:38 Congressmen into Bradley staff car, thru streets. Out of car & into ?? Other cars arrive & Congressmen into building. 11:19:46 Congressmen leaving building w/ No. 2 by door. Others leaving. 11:20:02 Cars leaving (brief). WW2;