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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221405-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1944
Country: Japan,Philippines,USA
Location: Mindoro Island,Philippine islands
TC Begins: 08:06:22
TC Ends: 08:11:28
Duration: 00:05:06
WWII - 1944, Philippines: US Forces Attacking Mindoro Island, Philippines, 13-16Dec44Anti-Aircraft gun on stern of boat, gun crew looking w/ binoculars; bridge w/ men looking, other similar boats visible. Lt. Hiller (USN) w/ Eyemo 35mm movie camera filming. CU. Filming. 08:08:21 Shore w/ smoke; MCU landing craft headed for shore. Large explosion nearby w/ smoke plume. Tracers fired into shore; landing craft past. Landing barges & LST seen. WWII Naval Landing; Battle; Ships; NOTE: If requested will provide 08:06:22 - 08:15:24 at per reel rate. NOTE: Invasion began on 15Dec44. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: