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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220471-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC
TC Begins: 07:05:25
TC Ends: 07:07:01
Duration: 00:01:36
WWII - 1944, USA Government Propaganda: Need For Military Materiels Intertitle: Gen. Eisenhower Asks For More Ammunition. 07:05:32 Delegation of soldiers sent back from Germany to ask for ammunition standing behind desk w/ Secretary Patterson. 07:05:38 Soldier speaks (SOF): We’re soldiers who have just returned from Germany to tell the people of America that we need more ammunition. The more ammunition we can get & shoot, the more lives we can save & the sooner the war will be over.” 07:05:54 MS Men in workshop listening to radio. 07:05:58 CU General Eisenhower , SOF over montage of visuals of troops march; bombs dropped; tanks; stash of ammunition stockpiled; firing guns; troops advance. “Allied fighting men have achieved in Europe since June 6th one of the remarkable military victories of all times. This achievement of your sons, brothers & husbands & their gallant Allies was possible only thru great expenditure of bombs & ammunition. Now we are hammering at the massive crust of armor surrounding the German fortress. More than ever before, we need ammunition. Each month our guns are hurling 6 million rounds against hostile trenches, forts & pillboxes. I owe it to every GI American soldier in this greatest fighting force that America has ever put into the field, to urge upon you increased production of ammunition, signal equipment, winter clothing, engineering material, vital medical instruments, tires and again ammunition; always ammunition!” 07:06:54 Under-Secretary of War Robert Patterson SOF: “I know that American workers will produce for General Eisenhower the ammunition that his boys have got to have.” WW2 Homefront; War Incentive; Plea; Wartime Supplies; 1940s;l