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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220473-13
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1944,1940s
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC
TC Begins: 11:19:05
TC Ends: 11:20:08
Duration: 00:01:03
WWII - 1944, USA Government: Washington News - Senators Sponsor New Bill To Aid War Veterans. ca Mar44 Intertitle: Washington News - Senators Sponsor New Bill To Aid War Veterans. 11:19:11 MCU Democrat Senators Ernest McFarland & Bennett Champ Clark seated. 11:19:19 McFarlane SOF: “The rehabilitation of our fighting forces on discharge is a problem today, but it will be greater as more return from the hardships suffered on the many fronts needing jobs, education, homes in which to live & money with which to purchase small businesses. Senator Clark, I am glad to help you sponsor legislation providing such assistance.” 11:19:51 Senator Clark, SOF: “If the trend, discipline, efficiency & valor of these veterns can be turned into the proper channels we will have a better country than the world has ever seen. This bill will be a fundamental Bill of Rights for servicemen & women in facilitating their return to civilian life.” 1944 Servicemen’s Readjustment Act; WW2 USA Homefront Planning; G.I. Bill; GI Bill; Legislation; 1940s;