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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220475-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940,1940s,1944
Country: China,England,Russia,United Kingdom,USA,USSR
Location: London,Philadelphia
TC Begins: 15:08:06
TC Ends: 15:09:15
Duration: 00:01:09
WWII - 1944, USA Government: Willkie Obituary Intertitle: Wendell Willkie Dies Suddenly At Age Of 52. 15:08:13 High Angle / HA of 1940 Republican Convention floor w/ crowds clamoring & calling for Willkie. 15:08:25 Willkie standing in car thru crowds during campaign. Large crowd & huge poster w/ Willkie’s face in distance. Willkie at microphone in park. 15:08:38 Willkie with Churchill in front of 10 Downing Street during war, shakes hands. 15:08:49 Willkie w/ King George. Willkie visits Soviet factory during war. Willkie in Chinese defense trench on China visit; shakes hands w/ Chiang Kai-Shek & Madame. CU Willkie seated at desk. 1940s; WW2 Diplomat; Candidate;