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WWII - 1944, USA Government Documentary: People to People. R1 of 3

Reel Number: 220623-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1944,1940s

Country: England,Russia,United Kingdom,USA,USSR

Location: New York City,Washington, DC,Yalta

TC Begins: 23:00:21

TC Ends: 23:10:54

Duration: 00:10:33

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk WWII - 1944, USA Government Documentary R1 of 3 23:00:46 British trade union delegation arriving New York harbor past Statue of Liberty. CUs delegates incl British Jim Worn, Nobby Clark, Jack Jones & Pat Carey and American Stan Seizy, Hugh Mahoney, Otto Butler & Joe Smith. 23:01:31 President Roosevelt (FDR), Chiang Kai-shek, Stalin & Churchill at Teheran. 23:01:52 New York harbor. British group looking at skyscraper skyline; meets Mayor LaGuardia; meeting War Production Board head Donald Nelson, William Hammatt Davis chairman of War Labor Board; Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins. 23:02:47 Group walking up to White House front; Eleanor Roosevelt comes out & greets. 23:03:05 Group up steps at Capitol, meets Vice President Wallace. Wallace makes SOF statement. 23:03:45 Group discusses w/ CIO (Philip Murray ?), AFL & Railroad Brotherhood aka Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen the use of labor management conferences to settle disputes. Group seated at table. Walter Reuther SOF on recent visit of labor union members to UK. British trade union leader replies, SOF. 23:05:09 SOF Black Union leader (A. Philip Randolph ?) asks the British delegation what their attitude to International labor unity is. Talk of cooperative war effort. 23:05:50 SOF American man asks how are British unions contributing to war effort. Answer re eliminating British class identity system giving common purpose. 23:06:33 SOF American woman asks what the British women are doing to help the war effort. British man says due to men coming out of factories, women have come into labor market ten-fold; hopes this will continue. 23:07:00 SOF American asks what the British think of the US labor movement & post-war America. 23:07:36 British visit Star Electric Motor Company labor management meeting in New Jersey. SOF asking about suggestion schemes; SOF reply. British wonder how deadlocks in disagreements are handled; will labor committees continue post war? 23:09:52 British delegation looking at large wall map of USA; split into different groups to visit counterparts in various locations, pick up suitcases. 1940s WW2 Cooperation; Workers; Labor Leaders; Allied War Efforts; Factory Workers; Note: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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