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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220477-40
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1944,1940s
Country: USA
Location: Brooklyn, New York,NYC
TC Begins: 20:13:26
TC Ends: 20:14:21
Duration: 00:00:55
WWII - 1944, USA Homefront: Launching Mightiest Battleship Missouri (BB-63) Intertitle: Mightiest Battleship. 20:13:28 Tilt up hull of USS Missouri (BB-63) bow; view down to waving crowd of shipyard workers. MCU Margaret Truman posing w/ bottle on rope ready to swing. Newsreel cameramen. Margaret Truman breaks bottle & ship glides down ramp & into water. 20:14:05 Margaret Truman blows it a kiss; ship continues sliding into water w/ Brooklyn Bridge in background. USS Missouri on East River w/ Williamsburg Bridge behind. WW2; Shipyard; Celebrity; 1940s;