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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220473-24
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1944,1940s
Country: USA
Location: Washington, DC
TC Begins: 11:34:20
TC Ends: 11:35:11
Duration: 00:00:51
WWII - 1944, USA Homefront: President Appeals For Your Aid To The National War Fund ca17Oct44 Intertitle: President Appeals For Your Aid To The National War Fund 11:34:26 President Roosevelt seated at desk w/ microphone; speech (SOF): “This year, more than ever, the National War Fund needs the friendly aid & assistance of all these great humanitarian agencies for our fighting forces; for the long suffering peoples of the United Nations, & for those in need among our neighbors here at home. Our gift to our community War Fund is one way to show that there is no let down in the spirit & unity of the community. This gift, this expression of our own free will speaks from the heart of the nation.” War Effort; USA Homefront; Charity; Contributions; Fund Raising Appeal; 1940s; FDR;