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WWII - 1944, USA Homefront, Economics: Sixth War Loan Drive Needs Your Help For Victory

Reel Number: 220471-26

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1944,1940s

Country: USA


TC Begins: 07:29:59

TC Ends: 07:31:49

Duration: 00:01:50

WWII - 1944, USA Homefront: Appeals For Supporting War Bonds; FDR on Cost of War Intertitle: Sixth War Loan Drive Needs Your Help For Victory. 07:30:05 Vice President Henry Wallace, Secretary of Treasury Morgenthau & VP-Elect Truman seated at desk to promote loan drive. Wallace speaks, SOF: Its a pleasure Mr. Secretary to participate in the 6th war loan drive; I hope you put the Series E over the top this time”. 07:30:18 Morgenthau, holding money / bills, SOF: “Thanks, I’ve got the money”. Truman holding savings bonds, SOF: “Well, thank you Mr. Secretary I have got the world’s best investment”. Morganthau, SOF: You bet’cha you have.” 07:30:26 President Roosevelt (FDR) speech / SOF: The war in this present month of November, in November alone, will cost us 7 1/2 billions of dollars. That is $250,000,000 per day. And that is why every war bond that you buy is so important. We can all practice self-denial. We can all sacrifice some of our comfort to the needs of the men in the services. There is an old saying about sticking to the plow until you have reached the end of the furrow. Every rule of common sense & patriotic thought makes that maxim applicable to our conduct of the rest of the war. In the name of our wounded & sick; in the name of our dead, and in the name of future generations of Americans I ask you to plow out that furrow to a successful & victorious end. (GOOD SPEECH). 07:31:42 End title: Help End The War - Back 6th War Loan. WW2 War Effort; Speech; Economics; Fund Raising; Patriotism;

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