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WWII - 1944, USA Training Film: Japanese Grenades And Mines

Reel Number: H1756-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1944

Country: USA


TC Begins: 10:36:07

TC Ends: 10:54:49

Duration: 00:18:42

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk WWII - 1944, USA Training Film: Japanese Grenades And Mines Titles. 10:36:22 Rear of troops moving forward crouching behind tank in jungle / forest. 10:36:47 Instructor behind table points to magnetic mine, Dutch mushroom mine, fragmentation grenade, stick grenade, Type 93 anti-tank mine, beach mine. 10:37:05 CU cast-iron fragmentation hand grenade; unscrewing fuse assembly from grenade, detonator removed from delay pellet, re-assembled. Cut-away shows striker, safety pin, retaining spring & percussion cap. Demonstrated pulling safety pin, striking & throwing, explosion. Two soldiers walking past boobytrap of grenade, bamboo section & trip wire. 10:38:58 Jap stick grenade w/ disassembled parts. Assembling & narration describes; shows fuse & pull-ring. U.S. soldier demonstrates. 10:40:29 CU smallest of Japanese mines: magnetic mine, TNT in canvas case w/ delay action fuse. Demonstration of parts in CU & cut-away illustration of striker mechanism, safety pin, etc. US soldier throws so it stick onto a tank & runs. Explosion on side of tank. 10:42:12 Pressure type boobytrap w/ magnetic mine. 10:42:26 CU Type 93 anti-tank mine. Pressure cap removed & disassembled. Fusing. Diagram of cut-away of mine & functioning parts. MS & CUs. 10:44:27 US soldier on stomach locating mine & removing dirt to identify; attaches wire to ring & cable to wire & pulls out of hole. Stick grenade shown attached as boobytrap. Unscrewing pressure cap & disarming mine. 10:46:33 Black 10:46:52 R2 CU Dutch mushroom-top mine. CU of parts; arming mine w/ fuse & safety pin. Capped w/o pin. Illustrated cross-section of mine & parts. 10:48:34 US soldier on stomach locating mine & uncovering; pulling out w/ rope after taking cover. Removing by hand; boobytrap shown, cut loose, unscrewing pressure cap & inserting wire in safety pin hole etc. 10:50:47 CU Double-horned beach mine. Illustrated cut-away & switch assembly, lead horns, electrical wiring, detonator parts & functioning described. 10:53:13 Beachmine shown deployed as beach mine attached to barbed wire. Disarming by cutting wire, attaching blasting cap to mine. Exploding. 10:54:18 Beachhead & soldiers moving ahead; jungle fighting. The End. WW2; Japanese Explosives; Decommissioning; NOTE: Any continuous ten minutes sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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