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WWII - 1944, USA Weapon Testing: M4 Tank Suspension Variations Over Obstacles

Reel Number: 250091-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1944

Country: USA


TC Begins: 12:44:05

TC Ends: 12:55:55

Duration: 00:11:50

WWII - 1944, USA Weapon Testing: M4 Tank Suspension Variations Over Obstacles Title: Comparative Obstacle Tests, General Motors Proving Ground - Comparing...Chrysler Horizontal Suspension & the Standard M4 Suspension at negotiating obstacles of different heights.” 12:44:22 Pan row of tanks. Title: Obstacle test course 12,18, 24 & 36 inch heights. 12:44:36 Pan field & three heights of wooden beams. Title: “No. 8082 Medium Tank M4A4 Standard M4, suspension rubber chevron track.” CU & over 18” obstacle, both directions. Over 24” Spinning tracks, makes it on second attempt. 36” seen from side, unsuccessful. 24” MCU backwards successful. 12:46:33 Title: 36 inch obstacle, backwards.” halfway up, then spins tracks - seen from side & rear above. 12:47:09 Title: “No. 8138 Medium Tank M4A4 Chrysler Horizontal suspension w/ no shock absorbers, steel chevron track. - 18” obstacle.” Side view over easily both directions. CUs. 12:47:54 Title: “24 inch obstacle.” MS over easily, back down again. Another attempt from different angle. 12:48:34 Title: “36 inch obstacle.” MS side, up & over easily. Backs down; front view, unsuccessful twice. 12:49:06 Title: “24 inch obstacle, backwards.” Easily from side, then down. Title: “36 inch obstacle, backwards.” From side, nearly makes it, tries twice unsuccessfully. 12:49:43 Title: No. 8084 Medium Tank M4A Chrysler Horizontal suspension w/ shock absorbers on front & rear units. Interrupted parallel steel track. I8 inch obstacle.” MS over & back. 12:50:07 Title: “Close up - note interference of shock absorber & front support roller.” Extreme CU, over. 12:50:39 Title: “24 inch obstacle.” Side view successful over & back, ECU. 12:51:25 Title: “36 inch obstacle.” MCU successful, from side & front. 12:51:55 Title: “24 inch obstacle, backwards.” MS side, both directions; ECU repeated. 12:52:41 Title: “36 inch obstacle, backwards.” Side views, MS & CU. Successful. 12:53:05 Title: “No. 8124 Medium Tank M4A3 Standard M4 suspension steel chevron track. Track somewhat looser than other standard job - 18 inch obstacle.” Forward to obstacle, spins tracks. 12:53:26 Title: “24 inch obstacle.” Forward to obstacle, spins tracks. 12:53:45 Title: “36 inch obstacle.” Forward to obstacle, men watching spinning tracks. 12:54:02 Title: “24 inch obstacle, backwards.” Backing toward camera unsuccessfully. 12:54:14 Title: “Chrysler suspension on Barrel course. Note smoothness of action.” Side view going over alternating concrete humps. 12:54:59 Title: “Standard M4 - suspension on Barrel course.” MCUs, both directions. WW2 weapon development; Military Inventions; NOTE: Good quality shots. Any or all of card sold at per reel rate.

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