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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220475-34
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1944,1940s
Country: Germany,USSR
Location: East Prussia,Eastern Front
TC Begins: 16:11:29
TC Ends: 16:13:08
Duration: 00:01:39
WWII - 1944, USSR: Battle On Advance To East Prussia w/ Many Prisoners of War Taken Intertitle: Russians Continue Advance! 16:11:33 Tanks race across flat territory to Prussia; infantry / soldiers on foot running thru smoke. 16:11:45 Firing long-barreled artillery guns, explosions; smaller fired. 16:12:06 Montage: trucks crossing long pontoon (?) bridge. German planes over & one shot down w/ flaming explosion. Rocket guns fired at night; barrage of rockets. 16:12:38 Troops running across rubble / destruction; advance. Dead Nazis. Soldiers cross hillsides. 16:12:51 Endless column of POWs as Russians approach East Prussia WW2; 1940s; Battles; Fighting; Prisoners of War; Germans; NOTE: Good night firing of rockets; POW sequence.