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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250145-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Germany,USA
TC Begins: 02:10:21
TC Ends: 02:25:59
Duration: 00:15:38
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1945, 8th AAF GSAP color gun camera, P-51s strafing targets, Germany P-51s strafing targets in Germany’ airfields; buildings. GOOD 02:14:30 Aerial sunset shots w/ P-51s visible. Dogfights. GOOD. 02:15:11 Slate: Target ME-109 07Apr45 Strafing woods. 02:15:48 Slate: 10Apr45. Heavy fires. 02:17:37 Slate: Pilot Flagg Target: 04Aircraft. 10Apr45. 02:18:16 Slate: Pilot Bastwick 5 planes 10Apr45. 02:20:02 Slate: 10Apr45 3 Aircraft. Strafing planes on ground 02:20:59 Slate: Pilot Flagg 13Apr45 2-JU88, FW190 02:22:09 Slate: Airstrip A-82 Group 362 Sqn 377 09Apr Pilot Hunter (3 slates) Railroads; Airfields; NOTE: Reel contains other visible slates w/ dates, pilots & some information. SOME VERY GOOD COLOR. NOTE: entire reel sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: