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Go to HomepageReel Number: 300250
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1930s,1938,1945
Country: Austria,Germany
Location: Berlin,Vienna
TC Begins: 01:00:15
TC Ends: 01:09:33
Duration: 00:09:18
Pre-WWII - 1938, Germany: Hitler Speeches; Anschluss & Return To Berlin; 49th Birthday. 20Feb-20Apr38 Intertitle: Hitler Addresses Reichstag On Rearmament 20Feb38. MS SOF Hitler speaking at lectern intercut from various distances & listeners; overhead pan across civilian crowd standing listening to overhead loud speakers. CUs Various Nazi symbols. 01:00:55 Montage: Civilian men w/ shovels descending ramp steps into trench; shoveling dirt for canal into carts on tracks, constructing building. Cheering. 01:01:05 Montage: High Angle / HA marching troops, smokestack chimneys, military exercise, flags, symbols, troops & military exercise. 01:01:48 Intertitle: Anschluss Mar38. Si. Montage: German newspaper headlines. 01:02:14 Si. Marching troops past road sign; armored equipment thru village; police raise & open border crossing gate. HA trucks & wagons crossing bridge over wide river, into town & thru wide elaborate city gate w/ huge crowds w/ Hitler standing in front of six-wheel open car. Swastika on flag in breeze. 01;02:48 LS Large government building. SOF 15Mar38 Speaker introducing Hitler to large cheering crowd around huge statue of mounted rider / Archduke Charles on rearing horse in Vienna’s Heldenplatz. 01:03:10 MLS & MS Hitler speaking from balcony w/ draped swastika banners, trees filled w/ people listening. Seig Heil cheers. 01:04:19 Large aircraft fly-over above ornate Vienna City Hall clock tower; MS Hitler & other military looking up watching. Parade & marching & mounted troops beneath bare trees in front of City Hall. Motorized armored units. 01:05:06 Intertitle: Return From Austria Mar38. Tri-motor plane ImmelmannII taxiing & Hitler & others out greeted by children w/ flowers. Hitler walks past troops in review. Standing in open auto waving past crowds held back by police. POV. 01:05:52 Intertitle: Hitler Addresses Reichstag On The Anschluss 18Mar38. Sd. SOF LS & MS speaking at podium w/ Hermann Goering behind & above, other Nazi officers listening, pan to filled balcony. Hitler & others from various angles. Applause. Military & civilians listening outdoors to loudspeakers, some mounted on bus or van. CUs of listeners including young boys outside; others in classroom . WW1 veterans seated & listening. ?? listening (sign on wall). Old women, old men and others listen. 01:08:32 Large hall interior w/ Julius Streicher & others in suits seated at desks listening. 01:08:39 Intertitle: Hitler’s 49th Birthday 20Apr38. Hitler in uniform w/ several military in doorway, sentries alongside entrance. Military band playing. HA motorcade thru city, past military units. Arrives and Hitler out & to front of building. Sailors in dress uniforms marching past. Abrupt end. Post WWII War Crimes Trial Evidence; Nazi Spectacle; Military Propaganda; Pre-WW2; Historical Film; German Politics; Political Party; 1938; Invasion of Austria;