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WWII - 1945, Charter Signed For World Peace - Great Conference of United Nations At San Francisco Closes In Triumph

Reel Number: 220474-27

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1945,1940s

Country: USA

Location: San Francisco, California

TC Begins: 13:40:18

TC Ends: 13:45:26

Duration: 00:05:08

WWII - 1945, Charter Signed For World Peace - Great Conference of United Nations At San Francisco Closes In Triumph 13:40:31 President Truman out of plane, poses w/ Stettinius & others. Motorcade thru San Francisco crowd lined street, waving from open car. Newreel camera on moving car alongside. 13:41:01 Standing vote by heads of delegations at conference re charter. 13:41:18 LS Signing charter: Wellington Koo signs for China and SOF speech. 13:41:54 Ambassador Gromyko signs for Soviet Russia; Halifax for UK; France; Mexico; Greece; Saudi Arabia; Brazil; Stettinius for USA. 13:42:55 Stettinius speech (SOF) “... the San Francisco conference has fulfilled its mandate...”. 13:43:14 Truman speech closing conference (SOF): “... you have won a victory against war itself. If we had had this charter a few years ago, and above all the will to use it, millions now dead would be alive. If we should falter in the future in our will to use it, millions now living will surely die. We all have to recognize, no matter how great our strength, that we must deny ourselves the license to do always as we please. No one nation, no regional group, can or should expect any special privilige that harms any other nation. There’s a time for making plans & there’s a time for action. The time for action is here, now! Let us therefore, each in his own nation and according to its own way, seek immediate approval of this Charter; and make it a living thing. I shall send this Charter to the United States Senate at once. I’m sure that the overwhelming sentiment, of the people of my country & of their representatives in the Senate, is in favor of immediate ratification. Let us not fail to grasp this supreme chance to establish a world wide rule of reason, to creat an enduring peace under the guidance of God. 1945; WW2 Home Front; Organization Founding; NOTE: Charter signed 24Jun45.

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