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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220609-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: USA
Location: San Francisco, California,Washington, DC
TC Begins: 07:17:40
TC Ends: 07:26:16
Duration: 00:08:36
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1945, Conferences, San Francisco: United Nations World Charter Signed. 25Apr-26Jun45 Titles. 07:18:10 Intertitle: “World Charter Signed - Pres. Truman Speaks At San Francisco.” 07:18:23 Lord Halifax in front of San Francisco Conference, applauded. Stettinius to stage & presented w/ scroll in recognition of his efforts during conference. Halifax asks for standing vote on World charter, counted, applause for unanimous vote. 07:19:35 President Truman off plane & met by Stettinius & other delegates including Jan Smuts, McKenzie King. Truman into open top car - motorcade parade thru streets of San Francisco w/ crowds lining route. 07:20:46 Truman into room for signing of United Nations Charter. Dr Wellington Koo signs for China; Gromyko for USSR; Lord Halifax for Great Britain; Paul-Boncour for France & Secretary of State Stettinius for USA. 07:21:45 SOF Stettinius speaks to press on importance of occasion. Stands to applause & shakes hands w/ Truman. 07:22:44 Also signing for US: Senator Tom Connally; Senator Arthur Vandenberg; Naval Commander Harold Stassen. 07:23:10 Last meeting of conference is addressed by President Truman, SOF, congratulates 280 delegates & talks re peace. “Let us therefore each in his own nation & each in his own way seek immediate approval and make it a living thing. By this Charter you have moved towards the goal...” Applause. 07:25:20 Interior US Congress. CU President Roosevelt (FDR) SOF asking Congress to accept the result of conference (Yalta) as the beginning of a permanent structure of Peace (sound poor on FDR speech). 07:26:09 The End. Post-WW2 Planning Conference; United Nations Meeting; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: