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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250121-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Northern Mariana Islands,USA
Location: Pacific,Saipan
TC Begins: 01:05:54
TC Ends: 01:13:54
Duration: 00:08:00
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Titles. 01:06:34 Pan crowded staging area w/ trucks & goods to LSTs & other ships taking on troops & supplies at Hawaii. Shots of food, fuel, trucks. Men w/ ropes guiding tanks hoisted aboard. Earthmover, trucks & jeeps lifted & lowered into hold. Loading bulldozers & other large equipment into front doors of LST. 01:07:51 Army & Marine troops w/ duffel bags across dock & boarding ships. 01:08:13 Ships at sea in convoys, assault passenger ships, assault cargo ships, LSTs, LCIs, LSDs to a staging area & unloading LCMs & LCBPs unloaded into water take on more supplies. 01:09:17 Canvas covers & heavy planking removed, unloading holds w/ cargo nets & stacked on decks. LCMs loaded up put into holds. 01:10:20 Convoy to Saipan, officer on bridge, men cleaning weapons; officer briefing on deck w/ maps. Exercising on deck, resting on army cots on deck. Landing craft swung over side & loaded w/ food, ammunition & medical supplies. Ships at anchor off Saipan. 01:11:38 Bombardment of island & planes bombing & strafing island & airfields w/ aerials. Men down side of ships into landing craft & waves to shore. Plane strafing to give cover. CU of landing w/ troops under fire. Support vehicles brining supplies. 01:13:11 Stacking goods on beach & wounded removed. Men unloading jerry cans of fuel thru water. Water soaked crates stacked. Continued... WWII Pacific; WW2; Saipan Invasion Forces; Logistics; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: