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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220668-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1917-1937
Country: Abyssinia,China,Ethiopia,France,Germany,Spain,USAGermany
Location: manchuria,New York City,Nuremberg,NYC,Washington. DC
TC Begins: 19:00:06
TC Ends: 19:07:11
Duration: 00:07:05
Compilation film. Brief shots 1940s American way of life - AV clover leaf highways - construction - housing - people going to and leaving work - crowds - pedestrians. People going into church - interiors church service. Traffic - beach. Bodies. 19:01:37 1917 - WWI - big guns firing - soldiers in trenches - over the top. Aircraft & tanks. 19:01:58 Armistice day 11Nov18 - crowds celebrate in New York. Naval ships blown up - graphic re reduction of military strength. Brief establishing shots Europe and Asia. 19:02:30 1931 Japanese play baseball. Map Manchuria. Japan invasion. Washington - Capitol - Sec. of State Stimson superimposed on newspaper denounces Japans invasion. 19:03:18 Bonus march on Washington - depression - gangsters - dustbowl. 19:03:39 1933 High school graduation - man reading paper re Hitler in power. Night shots Hitler watches military display - Day - Nuremberg rally. 19:04:32 1935 Graduation ball - man reads paper re Mussolini attacks Ethiopia. Italian aircraft bombing. Haile Selassie - battle scenes. Capitol Sen Hiram Johnson in congress - “we want no war”. Newspaper re Neutrality act. 19:05:25 1936 Young men with first car. Interior cinema - newsreel re Civil War in Spain - German and Italian planes bombing - battle scenes - civilians injured - many children. Franco meets with Hitler. 19:06:20 Exterior American Institute of Public Opinion - Gallup poll - men in office - brief shots American people interviewed. Exterior Capitol - interior Congress - cash and carry amendment to neutrality act. animated map. 19:07:07 1937. Brief shot news room. WWII; WW2; History;