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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220471-61
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: China,England,Greece,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Athens,Chungking
TC Begins: 08:18:50
TC Ends: 08:19:40
Duration: 00:00:50
WWII - 1945, Europe: Personalities In The War Intertitle: Personalities In The War. 08:18:55 Intertitle: Churchill In Athens. 08:18:59 Prime Minister Winston Churchill w / cigar out of truck in Greece visit towards ending Greek Civil War, gives V-sign. British General Alexander & Gen. Ronald Scobie arrive. MLS & CU Archbishop of Greece Damaskinos posing w/ Churchill. 08:19:24 Intertitle: General Hurley in China 08:19:28 Hurley, new Ambassador, arrives walking up Chungking steps w/ other Chinese VIPs. Hurley presents credentials to General Chiang Kai-Shek. 1940s; WW2 Diplomacy; Diplomats; Religion; Greek Orthodox Church;