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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1562-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Germany
Location: Ludendorff Bridge,Remagen
TC Begins: 11:11:37
TC Ends: 11:17:34
Duration: 00:05:57
WWII - 1945, Germany: Remagen (Ludendorff) Bridge Seized; Collapse & Rescue. 17Mar45 LS Remagen’s Ludendorff Bridge across Rhine River w/ infantry & tanks crossing. 11:11:43 View across bridge w/ soldiers hurrying off followed by tank; view from inside railroad tunnel. 11:12:03 Army truck into Remagen, troops standing about; trucks stopped in narrow street. POV between lines of trucks w/ sections of amphibious bridge on each side of road. 11:12:38 View of sections of metal decking moved into place on floating sections, men tying & pounding pins into place. Looking up at planes flying over bridge & LS of explosions along edge of river w/ planes overhead as tank crossing bridge. 11:13:16 Army truck thru Remagen street firing machine gun from rear. Parked, firing at planes overhead. 11:13:34 Firing out of roof ; parked tanks firing; tracers towards plane. View of bombs exploding near amphibious bridge under construction. 11:13:54 Tank across Ludendorff bridge. men welding on bridge & jeep across. 11:14:12 Overhead shot of jeep crossing amphibious bridge; tank crossing amphibious bridge & onto shore 11:14:40 Collapsed bridge & debris floating past in Rhine River. CU of twisted steel; heavily damaged jeep & equipment. Overhead shots of parked medical vehicles & others. MCU collapsed bridge behind ambulances. 11:15:06 Men in underwear on riverbank during rescue attempts swimming out w/ ropes & pulling men to shore. Men in water hanging from ropes on bridge supports; rescuers on stone supports & beams. Men hauled up on ropes. Boat w/ outboard motor removing bodies & injured; lowering from steel beams on litter, carried ashore. WW2; Fighting; Battles; Rescues; NOTE: Very good coverage & action.